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Step 2: Calculating the Gear Total Score (GTS)

The Gear Total Score (GTS) is calculated for each of the gears using the benchmark scores within each gear.

Each gear is measured by a different number of benchmarks:

  1. Advocacy Gear: 4 benchmarks
  2. Political Will Gear: 3 benchmarks
  3. Legislation & Policies Gear: 10 benchmarks
  4. Funding & Resources Gear: 4 benchmarks
  5. Training & Program Delivery Gear: 17 benchmarks
  6. Promotion Gear: 3 benchmarks
  7. Research & Evaluation Gear: 10 benchmarks
  8. Coordination, Goals & Monitoring Gear: 3 benchmarks

To account for the different number of benchmarks for each gear, the average score for each gear needs to be determined. Use the following formulas to calculate the GTS for each gear:

GTS Advocacy = Sum of all benchmark scores for that gear /4

GTS Political Will = Sum of all benchmark scores for that gear /3

GTS Legislation & Policies = Sum of all benchmark scores for that gear /10

GTS Funding & Resources = Sum of all benchmark scores for that gear /4

GTS Training & Program Delivery = Sum of all benchmark scores for that gear /17

GTS Promotion = Sum of all benchmark scores for that gear /3

GTS Research & Evaluation = Sum of all benchmark scores for that gear /10

GTS Coordination, Goals & Monitoring = Sum of all benchmark scores for that gear /3

Once a GTS is calculated, this table illustrates how to interpret the GTS score:

Gear Total Score



Gear not present

0.1 to 1.0

Weak Gear Strength

1.1 to 2.0

Moderate Gear Strength

2.1 to 3.0

Strong Gear Strength

The GTS will identify which gear(s) are working better than others within a country and focus investment priorities accordingly.


This table shows the sum of the scores for the Advocacy Gear benchmarks. Using the sum of the scores for the benchmarks divided by 4 (this gear has 4 benchmarks), the GTS Advocacy can be determined.

Advocacy Gear

Benchmark Score

AG1 There have been major events that have drawn media attention to breastfeeding issues.


AG2 There are high-level advocates (i.e. 'champions') or influential individuals who have taken on breastfeeding as a cause that they are promoting.


AG3 There is a national advocacy strategy based on sound formative research.


AG4 A national cohesive network(s) of advocates exists to increase political and financial commitments to breastfeeding.


Score Sum


The formula to determine the GTS for the Advocacy Gear is:

GTS Advocacy = Sum of all benchmark scores for that gear /4:

GTS Advocacy = 8/4

So, GTS Advocacy = 2

This shows that the Advocacy Gear received a GTS of 2, which indicates Moderate gear strength.