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Step 3: Calculating the BBF index score (BBF-TS)

Multiply each GTS by the weight allocated to that geara to determine its Weighted GTS:
Weighted GTS Advocacy = GTS Advocacy x 1.6
Weighted GTS Political Will = GTS Political Will x 1.5
Weighted GTS Legislation & Policies = GTS Legislation & Policies x 1.6
Weighted GTS Funding & Resources = GTS Funding & Resources x 1.6
Weighted GTS Training & Program Delivery = GTS Training & Program Delivery x 1.6
Weighted GTS Promotion = GTS Promotion x 1.5
Weighted GTS Research & Evaluation = GTS Research & Evaluation x 1.5
Weighted GTS Coordination, Goals & Monitoring = GTS Coordination, Goals & Monitoring x (1.4)
Add up the 8 Weighted GTS and then divide by 12.3b to calculate the final BBF-TS

The final BBF index score can be interpreted using the table below:

BBF Total Score Interpretation
0 – 1.0 Weak Scaling Up Environment
1.1 to 2.0 Moderate Scaling Up Environment
2.1 to 2.9 Strong Scaling Up Environment
3.0 Outstanding Scaling Up Environment


The GTSs for Country x have been calculated as follows:

Gear GTS Result
Advocacy 2.0 Moderate Gear Strength
Political Will 2.0 Moderate Gear Strength
Legislation & Policies 2.4 Strong Gear Strength
Funding & Resources 1.0 Weak Gear Strength
Training & Program Delivery 1.4 Moderate Gear Strength
Promotion 0.7 Weak Gear Strength
Research & Evaluation 1.4 Moderate Gear Strength
Coordination, Goals & Monitoring 1.0 Weak Gear Strength

Next, the Weighted GTS is calculated for each gear:

Gear Gear Total Score Gear Weight Weighted GTS
Advocacy 2.0 1.6 3.2
Political Will 2.0 1.5 3.0
Legislation & Policies 2.4 1.6 3.8
Funding & Resources 1 1.6 1.6
Training & Program Delivery 1.4 1.6 2.2
Promotion 0.7 1.5 1.0
Research & Evaluation 1.4 1.5 2.1
Coordination, Goals & Monitoring 1.0 1.4 1.4
Total Weighted GTS 18.3

To calculate the BBF-TS: add the weighted GTS scores and then divide the total by 12.3:

BBF-TS = 18.3 / 12.3= 1.5

Using the table above, we can see with a BBF-TS of 1.5, this country has a Moderate Scaling Up environment to protect, promote and support breastfeeding programs and initiatives.