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Virginia Pitzer, ScD

Associate Professor of Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases); Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health

Contact Information

Virginia Pitzer, ScD

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Research Summary

Professor Pitzer uses mathematical models for the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases to understand patterns in the distribution of cases over time and space, and to predict the potential impact of interventions such as vaccination. By integrating epidemiological data analysis with concepts from disease ecology, she studies how characteristics of host-pathogen interactions affect the population-level spread of disease. Current projects include understanding the dynamics of rotavirus and the potential impact of vaccination in developing countries; evaluating strategies for controlling typhoid fever in endemic countries; and understanding how climatic factors influence the seasonality and spatiotemporal spread of RSV.

Specialized Terms: Transmission dynamics; Mathematical modeling; Rotavirus; Typhoid fever


Research Interests

Ecology; Immunization; Paratyphoid Fever; Rotavirus; Typhoid Fever; Global Health

Public Health Interests

Global Health; Infectious Diseases; Influenza; Microbial Ecology; Modeling; Respiratory Disease/Infections; Child/Adolescent Health; COVID-19

Selected Publications